What To DO When Your Ecommerce Site Is Hacked
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A recent study showed that there is an attack every 39 seconds on average on the web and the non-secure usernames and passwords that are being used give attackers more chance of success.
Do you know that Hackers create 300,000 new pieces of malware daily? Only in 2017 alone, there were more than 317 million new pieces of malware – computer viruses or other malicious software created. On average 30,000 new websites are hacked every day, These 30,000 sites. are usually legitimate small business sites, that are unwittingly distributing malware.
What is Hacking?
Hacking is an attempt to exploit a computer system or a private network inside a computer. Simply put, it is the unauthorized access to or control over computer network security systems for some illicit purpose.
Indications of A Hacked Site
Here are some of the indications and signs that will help you know if someone has hacked your website, and If they have gotten control over your site.
- You got to see a defaced website.
- The redirection of the website will lead you to a porn site or some other unsavory website.
- The search engine like https://www.google.com/ Google and https://www.bing.com/ Bing will let you know about the hacking.
- The search browsers and engines will give you the indications of website hacking.
- You will find more traffic on your website from other countries that you have not focused on yet.
- You will feel strange activities on your website.
How the websites get hacked?
Without the use of some safety measures, hackers hack the websites usually. The webmasters are unaware of the reasons that how someone hacked their property when they have put safety measures as well. The hackers have many ways in which they can get control of the website, and some of the ways are:
- The hacker easily guesses the password of your website.
- The malware will be introduced in your PC to get the login details.
- Using outdated software other than siteguarding.com
- Hacking some other website that has shared-server with you.
What to do when your website gets hacked?
The first thing to do is DON’T panic!
One way or the other, your site is coming back online. The only pertinent questions right now are how long is that going to take? and how much is it going to cost?
When the hacker controls your website, you have the responsibility to take some serious steps. Your website is your property; you cannot lose control over it. The hacker can use your business and information for negative purposes creating problems for you. Follow some of the steps given here when your website is subject to hacking:
Tell the World
When the hacker hacks your website, you must tell the world. Other platforms must spread awareness about the incident. It will help the users to understand the conditions and situations you are facing. It will help users from facing any problems in the meantime.
Contact Your Host Provider
The webmaster must eventually contact the host that can restore the website. The server hosts the ability to regain control over the website you have owned.
- It will come back to normal.
- Remove the redirection to some unsavory website.
Hosting Should be Easy, Don't Get Frustrated?
Damage must be Reverted
Asking for help to regain the website will undo the damage done by the hacker. The people who were aware of your problems can help you get your website back. This step is very important as getting help from someone is essential at particular times.
Changing the Passwords
When you get to know that someone hacked the website, change the passwords. Sometimes changing the passwords let you regain control. Do not ever set easy passwords. Setting passwords is a technique. So the webmasters must keep changing the passwords or rotate them.
Create a Backup
The webmaster must keep the backup of his website. Sometimes, the websites have chances to get hacked because of the popularity or some growing issues. So the backup must be there in case if something happens, you must have your data to upload it again.
Website Security
The websites must always be secured. Some of the companies offer their services to set a safe and secure solution for the websites. The websites like siteguarding.com are helpful in such cases when the webmasters want to set security on their websites. The website will offer;
- Antivirus
- Monitoring the Change
- Firewall
Are you PCI Compliant
To sum up, it is easier to prevent hacking the website than to restore the website from scratch. Your website protection is a big responsibility only experts can deal with. One should not entrust a website to the first comer but it is not advisable to neglect security either.