New Integrations and Modules - Mobile Commerce is here at last!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Well, things are slowly winding down here after a brutally busy couple of months. This years lead up to Xmas seemed to be quite manic. Not sure if this is just due to the fact that we are busier or that everyone is that little bit keener to ensure everything is perfect on their sites in the lead up to Xmas in light of the global financial situation.
Hopefully your sales reflected the steady rise in Internet sales away from the more traditional bricks and mortar retail model.
In the lead up to Xmas we are pumping out a number of new modules before we shut down for the holiday break.
Happy selling!
Cam Flanigan
Hopefully your sales reflected the steady rise in Internet sales away from the more traditional bricks and mortar retail model.
In the lead up to Xmas we are pumping out a number of new modules before we shut down for the holiday break.
- ABN AMRO payment gateway - LIVE
- Temando Shipping - Australian Shipping - LIVE
- One Page Check Out - Version 700 only - In BETA
- Mobile Interface - Free for VPASP Hosting customers - In BETA (finally!!!)
- Top Sellers and Featured Products pages - LIVE
- OSCommerce to VPASP Migration Tool - In BETA
- NAB PCI Compliant payment gateway - In BETA
- SecurePay AU PCI Compliant gateway - LIVE
- Authorizenet DPM PCI Complaint payment gateway - LIVE
If you are hosting with VPASP and are looking for a mobile storefront get in touch with us through the helpdesk and we will activate this for you on your account.
I hope everyone has a great Xmas and an extremely profitable new year!Happy selling!
Cam Flanigan
Mobile store (Monday, January 9, 2012 00:00)
Hi Hans,Happy new year to you as well!The mobile store at this stage is only available to VPASP hosting customers.We will be looking at expanding this later this year to all VPASP customers.ThanksCam
eBay Listing Integration (Tuesday, January 10, 2012 22:46)
Hi Cam,Happy New Year.Any plan for the eBay Listing Integration and eBay Order Import? If yes, what is the expected time-frame?Thank you.michal
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Hans - Netherlands