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Search engine optimization for shopping cart software is a topic I often write about as I feel it is one of the most important factors in marketing your online business.

SEO is a huge subject area and one that moves faster than most people can keep up with. Luckily there are several free tools available which can aid you in keeping on top of your online store's SEO.

1. Google Analytics - Most of you should already be using this but if you aren't, GET IT NOW! Google Analytics is THE tool for tracking the metrics of your ecommerce store. I could write 10 blog posts on what GA is and how to use it but there is plenty of information and how-to guides available on the Internet.

2. Google Webmaster Tools- This is Google Analytics' slightly geekier brother and helps with the more technical side of your website. Again, a Google search will bring lots of user guides for this very powerful, free tool.
Webmaster Tools

3. HubSpot Marketing Grader - Receive a fast, free online assessment of your current marketing and receive suggestions for improvement.

4. Robots.txt Checker - If you are using a robots.txt file in your online store then use this site to highlight any errors and tips on how to fix them. A simple but effective tool.

5. SEO Site Checkup - This is a great tool which performs a thorough 'SEO Health Check' on your website. There are lots of areas the tool checks on and it highlights the most important ones which have the most effect on your SEO.

6. Get Listed - Only useful for those of you with a brick and mortar store, Get Listed provides you with the top online directories where you can register your store. Go there now and make sure you have a 100% listing score!

7. SEO Browser - This tool allows you to see your website like a search engine sees it, so you can ensure you have optimized meta tags, <h1> tags and clear keyword placement.

These free tools will help get you on your way to organising and improving the SEO of your shopping cart website. For more info on SEO refer to my previous blog post 4 ways to improve the SEO of your ecommerce website.

As usual, please leave any comments below.

Happy Selling!

Gareth Sales
VPASP Shopping Cart


I feel overwhelmed (Wednesday, August 21, 2013 00:00)
I used to have about 50,000 visitors a month going through my website. Today I have about 3000. I have a VPASP shopping cart and I have a Facebook page, a Twitter account, YouTube videos, a LinkedIn page and an email list. After spending God knows how many thousands on this project and selling online since 1995, I''m flummoxed. I don''t have a budget for advertising online anymore because my sales are so bad, so its a vicious cycle. I had a developer from the list of VPASP developers redesign my website in October and my sales went from "not that great" to dismal. The sales are down about 70%. Do you know of a VPASP developer you would recommend that could help me with my website at a reasonable price? By the way, I had an old, ugly index page that was taken down when we redesigned the site in October. I finally put it back up and my sales have come back a little bit. Thanks, Sherry http://skywaytools.com/default.asp - old index page http://skywaytools.com

Sherry - California, USA
Sherry (Monday, September 2, 2013 00:00)
Hi Sherry,I'm sorry to hear about this. Please post a ticket into the Helpdesk and I'll be happy to carry out a review of your current marketing efforts free of charge.

Also, have you considered our ecommerce marketing services?

Gareth - Melbourne
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